Faith & Words– IS THERE SALT?

  • Post published:October 22, 2024
  • Post category:Faith

Can you identify which SIX of the ways below are uses for salt?

Salt has more uses than I ever imagined. In fact, I found one website that listed 60 non cooking uses!2 Our words are similar to salt impacting us and those around us.

To learn the parallels and see if you identified salt’s six uses, keep reading!


Besides making food taste salty, you probably guessed that salt enhances the flavors of other ingredients. Without it, wouldn’t food be bland?

If we want something to enhance the flavor of our words, we also use salt.  Words that are seasoned with salt express God’s grace, making us thirst for more of the Lord. Like salt enhances the flavors of food, sprinkling our words with grace and love enhances the flavor of others’ lives.

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, 
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones,
 Proverbs 16:24


Salt is indeed a preservative! As early as 3000 BC, salt was used to preserve fish and meat and is still used today to preserve processed foods.1

How are words like a preservative? God’s Words of love and grace act as a guide to preserving our souls.  When we speak sincere words of faith in Jesus, our souls are preserved for eternity with Him.

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,
 you will be saved,
 Romans 10:9


When drains get overfilled and clog up, what do we do? We reach for the salt.  Combine salt, baking soda, white vinegar and boiling water and watch the drain flow again! 2

How about us? When overwhelmed don’t our thoughts get clogged up? With so much on our mind, we can get stuck not knowing what to do! Are you anxious? Hit that clog with verses on anxiety and fear! Are you broke? Hit that clog with verses on provision! Speaking God’s Word acts like salt on the clog clearing it so that our thoughts flow.

For the word of God is living and powerful,
and sharper than any two-edged sword,
 piercing even to the division of soul and spirit,
and of joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart,
 Hebrews 4:12


If you have a problem with ants, grab that salt and pour! A barrier of salt poured across their path deters them. 2

Our words may not deter ants, but they may deter us or someone else from making the wrong choice. Pouring out God’s words in love seasoned with salt reminds us all of what is right and what is wrong.

I have treasured Your word in my heart,
so, I might not sin against You,
 Psalm 119:11 TOL


Who likes stinky shoes besides pets and teenage boys? No one wants to kick off their shoes releasing stinky aromas around others! Replace the stink in canvas shoes with a pleasant aroma by occasionally sprinkling in a little salt. It soaks up sweat as well! 2

How about the aroma of our words? When Christ is in us, our words seasoned with the salt of love and grace release a pleasant aroma into others’ lives.

As far as God is concerned there is a sweet,
wholesome fragrance in our lives.
 It is the fragrance of Christ within us,
an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us,
2 Corinthians 2:15


Did you guess salt is a rust remover? If rusty knives are a problem, create a paste of salt and lemon juice. Then rub out the stain, rinse and dry! 2

Like rust stains knives, sin stains our hearts. When we speak words of repentance, it activates the salt of God’s grace which rubs away the stain of our sin.

If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
1 John 1:9


Don’t each of these uses of salt change things for the better? We can have faith that when our words are seasoned with salt, hearts will be changed for the better.  We may not see an immediate effect, but we never know how a little crystal of salt will stimulate a thirst for more.

Next time you sprinkle a little salt, think about using God’s Words to sprinkle words of salt into someone’s life.

Let your speech always be with grace,
seasoned with salt,
that you may know how you ought to answer each one,
Colossians 4:6

(BTW, Please DON’T use salt to fertilize plants or clean car radiators! It kills plants and corrodes car radiators!)


How can you sprinkle salt today to enhance someone’s life?


Heavenly Father, as I write Colossians 4:6 and say it aloud, show me how to sprinkle words seasoned with the salt of Your love and grace into others’ lives. In Jesus name. Amen.


May your day be filled with love and laughter,

*For information on making Jesus Christ your Savior, email me or visit,

Dog photo, hiagorocha
Salt mine photo, Quangpraha

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