Faith & A Closed Heart – WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT??

  • Post published:November 9, 2021
  • Post category:Faith

“I’m going, I’m going,” said Susan in exasperation. She looked back over her shoulder as she walked out the door, “At least there is one good thing about this blind date. Since Buddy is well known, I’ll recognize him. But,” she remarked glaring at Jennifer, “I still don’t know if I can trust him.”  “Aww!” wailed Jennifer in frustration as she shook her head. “Just go already! And try to have fun!”

At the restaurant, Susan and Buddy spent a comfortable evening talking.  They continued their relationship over the coming months growing in love as they got to know each other. Buddy clearly loved her and often did things that showed he had her best interest at heart.

Then one day Jennifer received a phone call.  “Jennifer!”, Susan excitedly yelled into the phone.  “You won’t believe it!  Buddy and I are engaged!”  “Ahhh!” Jennifer screamed, “I am so excited for you!” Susan happily added, “And guess what?!” Buddy is going to plan the whole honeymoon and surprise me!”

Startled, Jennifer’s voice was suddenly tinged with concern, “Oh, my gosh! Do you trust him to do that?” “Without a doubt!” replied Susan with conviction. “I trust him to do everything, because I know he loves me and has my best interest at heart.”  “Boy, you have come a long way,” smirked Jennifer. “Just think, on your first date, this is the guy you worried about trusting!”

Can we really have complete faith that someone will do what is in our best interest,

if we don’t feel they love us?

No. Just like when Susan first met Buddy, she didn’t know if she could trust him. But as Susan saw Buddy’s love for her, and his actions showed he had her best interest at heart, she opened her heart and her trust in him grew. So too, our trust in the Lord grows as we see how much He loves us.

The more we put God’s words of love in our hearts,

the more our faith grows that God loves us.

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, Ephesians 2:4

As we look for the good things He is doing in our lives,
our faith grows that God has our best interest at heart.

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. James 1:17 (TLV)

My Faith & Closed Heart

My first marriage ended in an unfortunate divorce. When I first got divorced, I wanted nothing to do with men. Uggh! I did not trust a man as far as I could throw him. That being said, I am rather petite so, I couldn’t throw one very far.  Sorry guys for the generalization, but at that point in my life, no man was trustworthy. (BTW, just so you will know, I know many trustworthy men now.)

Well, back to the story. One day Alan asked me out.  Now, Alan & I use to work together and were casual office friends. When he asked me out, it was clearly a date.


I wasn’t sure that I E-V-E-R wanted to do that again!  I really had to think about it.  A few other men had asked me out “as a friend” when it was clear it was really a date.  So, when Alan was clear in his intentions, I decided that he was more trustworthy than my previous “friends,” and I would give a date with him a shot.

Since we were already friends, it was a comfortable first date which led to phone conversations and more dates.  I noticed that children and animals seemed to like him.  Umm, that was a good sign.  The more I got to know Alan, the more I cared for him and saw that he cared for me.

 We were just like Susan and Buddy in the story above.  As I saw Alan’s love grow for me, and as his actions showed he had my best interest at heart, I opened my heart and my trust in him grew.

What I didn’t realize is that when I had closed my heart to trusting men and accepting their love,

that I had closed my heart to growing my trust in God and accepting God’s love.

My bad divorce experience, had unknowingly filled the vacancy in my heart with unforgiveness, doubt and fear. None of which are from God, (Mark 11:25, James 1:6, 2 Timothy 1:7).

God needed to remove those things in order to refill my heart with His love and faith.  Using Alan to show me lovingkindness, God was able to remove the negative and refill my heart as He drew me to Himself.

The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore, with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Jeremiah 31:3

God used Alan to not only open my heart to loving and trusting a man again,

but also, to growing my faith in trusting God and accepting God’s love.

Do you wonder whatever became of Alan?  I am happy to report that we celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary this year!


Have you had an experience that has closed your heart to growing your trust in God and accepting God’s love of you?


Heavenly Father, please reveal to me any place I have closed my heart to You. As I write, Jeremiah 31:3 and say it aloud, please open up my heart and fill it with your everlasting love and faithfulness. Help me to recognize the good things You do for me. In Jesus name, Amen.


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Broken heart photo, Mariana Anatoneag, pixabay
Bible photo, Emmanuel Phaeton, unsplash
Locked heart photo, ShonEjai, pixabay
Hanging heart photo, Cyrus Gomez, unsplash

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