My Faith Lessons – MIRACLE BABY

  • Post published:August 20, 2024
  • Post category:Faith

Babies!  Aren’t they God’s cute, cuddly miracles? Well, for some of us having a baby is more miraculous than for others. Here is my miracle baby story.

After a year of trying to conceive, I finally had the desire of my heart!  What joy and amazement feeling my body change as a child grew inside me!  Then at 3 months, I lost the baby.  (Don’t worry, this story gets better!)  Shortly after my miscarriage, the Lord blessed us and I got pregnant again!  However, this time was different.  I was excited, but I was also scared that once again I would lose my precious child.  So, what did I do?  Every day in faith I prayed;


Even though this child was cozily ensconced inside of me, she wanted to see the world right now! It was way too early for contractions, but I was having them often.  What did the doctor do? He put me on complete bed rest!  I was only 3 months pregnant!  How could I lie around for 6 months?!  My fears grew as I thought; “Will my child stay put for 6 months?  Will I still a job?  How do I cook, clean and do laundry?”  (Yes, I was a neat freak and really thought that.)


I learned that fear and faith are both choices. When I chose to dwell on my fears about what could happen, it produced more fear.  Despite the fears, I needed to choose to pray in faith.

Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass,

Psalm 37:3-5


Being restricted to bed rest, I only got up to pee and eat. I did a lot of the former, but not much of the latter.

Each morning, I walked downstairs and plopped down on the comfy couch. What was my entertainment? Since lap tops, cell phones and video games weren’t too common, I entertained myself the old-fashioned way with reading, TV, naps and cross-stitch for the baby’s room.  My boss even brought me work. It beat being bored!

Once a week I got to escape from the house! Even though the outing was to get a shot in my hip, it was worth it! The Lord and those shots kept the little one safely inside. Otherwise, I was bored, scared and peeing a lot. But knowing that many people were praying for our little one boosted my faith.  Numerous times each day, in faith I prayed;


I learned I had to have patience letting go of what I couldn’t do and by faith letting God take control.

Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be 
perfect and complete, lacking nothing,
James 1:3-4


Oh, no!  It was 26 weeks and my daughter was in the birth canal!  Was she excited about seeing the world or did she just want to avoid the shots?  Whatever the reason, fear took full advantage of the situation!  Especially when the doctor said a viable birth meant she needed to stay in the womb for 28 weeks!  No way, had the Lord brought us this far to take her away!  In the midst of my fear, in faith I prayed;


I learned that I had to persistently pray in faith that Jesus could be victorious whatever the circumstances.

 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness,
The power and the glory,
The victory and the majesty;
For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours;
Yours is the kingdom, O Lord,
And You are exalted as head over all,

1 Chronicles 29:11


After passing 28 weeks, we hoped for an early arrival as she was growing too big for my petite body to deliver normally. But she wouldn’t come! Are you kidding me!  After all this time, now that she could come out, she decides to stay in her cozy environment!  No way!  I was already constantly peeing!  It was time for her to see the world! Now, I reversed my prayers;  “Heavenly Father, please have her come out before she grows too large!”


Apparently, she inherited our stubbornness because at 39 weeks she still refused to come out. So, what did the doctor do? He induced labor and literally pulled her out!  She was born needing transfusions, which is another faith story, but don’t fear, she is alive, well and a wonderful blessing to us. She is my miracle child!

For with God nothing will be impossible,
Luke 1:37

Whatever kind of miracle you need, when we pray according to His will,* He answers. I encourage you to have patience, persistently pray and turn your focus from fear to faith. By choosing faith in Jesus, I was able to peacefully look to the future dreaming about the day when I would hold my child in my arms.

The Lord did a miracle in our lives and He can do one in yours too.


Can you believe God for the miracle you need?


Heavenly Father, as I write Luke 1:37 and say it aloud, help me to overcome my fears with faith in You. Give me patience as I wait to see the miracle You desire to give. In Jesus name. Amen.


*Learn about knowing God’s will @ Faith – BEST FRIENDS! – DianeLese

*For information on making Jesus Christ your Savior, email me or visit,

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