• Post published:June 4, 2024
  • Post category:Faith

“Hi! I’m Kathy!” the smiling waitress announced. “Would you like a cup of hot coffee?” Kathy pleasantly chatted with diners Bev and Jeff as she poured coffee.

“What would you recommend for dinner?” asked Jeff. “Definitely today’s specials,” Kathy enthusiastically replied. “We have an incredible, chicken fried steak with creamy mashed potatoes, gravy, fresh snap beans and buttery biscuits. Then of course, you can’t pass up our warm peach cobbler full of sweet, juicy peaches with a flaky crust. It’s topped with velvety ice cream straight from the dairy. It’s to die for!” Bev and Jeff nodded in agreement. Eagerly Jeff said, “We’ll take two!”

While dinning, they overheard the waiter, Sam, at the next table testily demand, “What are you ordering?”  One of the diners meekly asked, “Can you please tell us the specials?”  Obviously irritated Sam replied, “I don’t know!” After they hurriedly ordered, Sam snatched up their menus and stomped away.

“Wow!” remarked Jeff. “I’m glad Sam didn’t wait on us. Let’s show Kathy our appreciation.” Kathy’s eyes grew wide when they paid their bill. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Thank you so much for this tip!” “No, thank you!” replied Jeff. “You not only served us a delicious meal, but you served us a pleasant experience.”


Even if we have never worked in a restaurant, we serve everyone we come in contact with each day. How? Like Kathy and Sam, we serve people a pleasant experience or a negative one through our actions, attitudes and words. Even from a distance we still serve people as we interact through the internet, phone, or social media. What we serve depends upon our menu.


The best selections for our menu can be found by duplicating the Lord’s menu.  When we dine at His table, we can be assured that His menu is full of refreshing ingredients and inspired combinations all served in a welcoming atmosphere.  Isn’t that a menu we would like to serve?


There would be no need for “today’s specials” on the Lord’s menu. There is only one entrée masterfully prepared and generously served to all diners.  It reflects God’s nature and Jesus’ sacrifice.  The one entrée is love.

For God so loved the world
 that He gave His only begotten Son,
 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
 but have everlasting life,
 John 3:16

We can serve that entrée of love to others by sharing the Word of God with them or by being examples with loving attitudes, actions and words.

This is My commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you,
John 15:12


Kathy’s friendly smile and demeanor were great complements to Bev and Jeff’s meal making it a pleasant experience.  While Sam served the diners at the next table sides of testiness and irritation.  There are multiple sides we can choose however, let’s consider which ones complement our entrée. To find the best combination of sides, continue to select ones from the Lord’s menu. When they are served, they will always complement an entrée of love.

How about serving these sides?


Let your gentleness be known to all men.
 The Lord is at hand,
Philippians 4:5


(Walk) with all humility and gentleness,
with patience, bearing with one another in love, 
Ephesians 4:2

Compassion, Courtesy

Finally, all of you be of one mind,
 having compassion for one another;
 love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous,
  1 Peter 3:8


Who can pass up the chance to dive into a good dessert?  To serve a winning combination, how about a little kindness topped with forgiveness for dessert?  It’s better than peach cobbler!

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another,
even as God in Christ forgave you,
Ephesians 4:32


Now, we have all encountered bad service or even served a little of our own.  I know I have.  But when we call on the Lord, He can bring us peace even in the midst of a bad situation, (Philippians 4:6-7).  Then, in faith we lean on Him to help us serve people with actions, attitudes and words that reflect the fruit of the Spirit.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, 
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
 self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 ESV



What are you serving today?


Heavenly Father, as I write Galatians 5:22-23 and say it aloud, help me to serve Your menu to those I encounter. Help me to call on You when I have a bad day so that I can always serve up Your love. In Jesus name. Amen.


May your day be filled with love and laughter,


*For information on making Jesus Christ your Savior, email me or visit,

Photo waitress, Alberta archives
Photo baby, Henley
Photo girl, Duong Dinh Luc

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