Faith to Build– LEGO CHALLENGE!

  • Post published:March 8, 2022
  • Post category:Faith

1,677 Pieces! 591 steps! 326-page instruction map!

When Alan opened this box, it was a little overwhelming. Should he take the journey to build the car? In faith, Alan said, “Yes!”

Building this car is similar to building a relationship with God. If this sounds far-fetched, then read what Alan encountered & you decide if you agree. Are you ready? Let’s build!



Can you imagine getting 1,677 car pieces without an instruction map?

How about instructions for the thousands of pieces of our lives?

Never fear! God mapped them out in the Bible. By studying its’ contents, we learn who God is, how much He loves us and instructions for living an abundant life.

Alan’s car came with an instruction map too – 326-pages!  The first thing Alan did was study it, so he would know how to proceed.

Even with instructions mapped out on every page, there were challenges – like the steering wheel.  When Alan first connected it, he tried steering, but it hardly moved! The solution? He went back to the map and rechecked all the connections.

Don’t we all face challenges?

When our way isn’t working, let’s go to the Lord. We can recheck our connections, follow His instruction map and let Jesus take the wheel!

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous,
and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8


Fueled with faith, Alan persevered for almost 8 weeks. Some weeks he invested a lot of time building this car. Other weeks, Alan had less time to invest. Building literally became a pit stop. Progress? Not so much. To get to his destination, he had to invest the time.

Doesn’t building anything take time? Pit stops only give us time for quick adjustments.  Real progress takes investing our time. Like building the car, building our relationship with the Lord, means investing our time.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
and all these things shall be added to you.
 Matthew 6:33


Frustration! Roadblock! Things weren’t connecting!

What did Alan do? Putting aside his frustration, he recognized a different perspective was needed.  By looking at the photo on the box, Alan saw the bigger picture. The roadblock was removed!

How about our frustrations when things aren’t connecting?

“Lord,” we ask, “why don’t You do something?” Our frustration can become a roadblock. By recognizing the roadblock and repenting, it’s removed. Then we can see our loving God’s perspective.

Confusion! Roadblock! Alan was lost!

Did he take a wrong turn? The directions showed 5 pieces. The placement of 4 pieces was clear. However, the 5th piece, not so much. It was like looking at a map with a missing road.

Do you ever feel that way about God’s instructions? In those times when we feel lost and are unsure how to proceed, we need God’s GPS. In faith, we can look to Him for our Ahha! Moment.

When roadblocks occur in our lives, proceed with caution. By investigating the reason for the roadblock, we can avoid hitting potholes. But don’t let them stop us. Persevering in faith will get us through.

But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.
Romans 8:25


Of course, to build the car, Alan had to keep connecting the pieces. All 1,677 of them. However, Alan needed more light to see what he was doing.  By moving closer to the light, he could see the connections.

How about the pieces in our lives?

Sometimes we just aren’t sure what to do with them all, are we? That’s when we need to move closer to God’s light for direction.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

How about those left-over pieces?

There were 25 pieces left after the car was completed!

Whew! They were unneeded extras. If Alan had tried to fit them in, they would have messed up the car.

How about our left-over pieces?

The more we connect with God, the more we see left-over pieces. Pieces like fear, rejection, guilt and unforgiveness that we don’t need. Don’t try to fit them in. Those extras will just mess up our hearts.

Ok, there is one last connection I have to mention. Veering away from the car connection, (because nobody would talk to the car), we connect with God through prayer.


Alan was amazed at the finished car. The intricacy of the creators’ design! The moving parts! The steering wheel turns! The doors open! It has suspension! The wheels roll! With each connection, Alan watched the car being built into what the creator imagined.

Can you imagine designing something like this?

God, our creator, designed us with lots of intricate, moving pieces too, but no decals. As we add more things of God into our lives, we are being built into what our God imagined us to be.

You decide, can we build a relationship with the Lord using these building steps? If so, then let’s all build!


Are there some pieces in your life that need connecting? What is one way you can build your relationship with the Lord to clearly see his road map for you?


Heavenly Father, as I write Psalm 119:105 and say it aloud, help me to build my connection with You. Reveal the roadblocks in my life and help me to persevere. In Jesus name, Amen.


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