My Faith & Anxiety – I CAN’T SEE! (part 2)

  • Post published:July 6, 2021
  • Post category:Faith

The clock was ticking! 

Time seemed to fly by as the deadline approached. Ahh! Where are we going to live?! Yes, that is exactly how my husband Alan & I felt.

For several years we had been looking at homes planning a move that would accommodate us and my mother.  Does that seem like that would be easy? Nooooo, it wasn’t!  At 95 years old, mom needed a first-floor bedroom & bathroom. We needed our living space on the first floor as well. The solution? A ranch, you say? Of course! Nope! Not a ranch. In our area ranch homes were either very old, smaller homes or new, very expensive homes, neither of which would work.

Then comes the deadline! 

Leisurely looking at homes was no longer an option. Mom was declining and we needed to move now, not later. We had not found anything for several years, so how in the world were we going to find it right now?

There was only one answer – God.
So, in faith, (and anxiety), we put our house on the market.

What did we do next? We prayed, looked at houses, prayed, looked at houses and prayed some more. We found nothing, nada, zilch!


Our house sold in 3 weeks! Great! But where are we moving? My anxiety rose a couple of notches. We still had seen nothing, nada, zilch, to move into! Ahhh!! “Oh Lord! What do you have for us?” I anxiously prayed.

I felt like I was walking blindfolded,
stepping out into the air without knowing where I would land.

But as I stepped out into the air in faith, even with my questions and fluttering stomach, something happened.

I felt God’s loving hand was there coming under me to hold me up. I felt like the Lord kept saying to me not to fear, to trust in Him, that He would provide, and all was in His hands.  He reminded me of His promises in the scriptures;

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 6:25-26

For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
2 Corinthians 1:20

As I read God’s scriptures, I felt enveloped in His peace.


Although the clock kept ticking closer to the deadline to find a new house,

God was there with us, holding us up.

I can’t say that I didn’t have another anxious thought with that pesky old deadline looming up in front of us. But when anxiety tried to muscle its way in, I kept going back to God’s promises for reassurance that He was in control.

So exactly how much time did we have to find a house? Well, the mortgage company required 30 days to process a loan. So, we either had to find a new house 30 days prior to vacating our current house or start looking at apartments. We didn’t feel an apartment was the answer, but that 30th day was getting closer and closer and closer. If God didn’t find us a house soon, then why did we sell our house? “Oh Lord,” I prayed, “won’t you work a little faster?” 

For we walk by faith, not by sight, 2 Corinthians 5:7

We were walking by faith and certainly not by sight since we weren’t seeing anything!

As we counted the days before the 30th day what did we see? 

24th day, nothing!
25th day, nothing!
26th day, nothing!

There had been one workable house we had seen and dismissed due to the price.  But on the 27th day, in faith, we took the plunge and made an offer on that house. Then on the 29th day, our last day to get a contract on a home & a loan before our current house closed – Ta Da! Our offer was accepted! The Lord came through! Our loving Lord was faithful to His promises!

Not too early, not too late, but just in the nick of time.
Isn’t that just like God to come through just in the nick of time?

Looking for a home reminds me of the blog story of Billy’s gift, (blog; Faith With Anxiety – I Can’t See, part 1). We, like Billy, were walking blindfolded, in faith, not knowing our destination and then surprise! God gave us the gift that He knew we would like and better than we imagined receiving.


Have you ever anxiously walked in faith and in the end saw God come through?


 eavenly Father, as I write 2 Corinthians 1:20 and say it aloud, make it real in my life.  Help me to remember that You love me and are faithful to Your promises. What You have done before, You can & will do again even if it is at the last minute.



Please let me know if my blog has been beneficial.
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Thanks so much!
May your day be filled with love and laughter!

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Alarm clock photo by Sara Richter, pixabay
Home sold photo by Merio, pixabay
Clock with question photo by Gerd Altmann, pixabay
Lizard photo by Denny Luan, unsplash

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