How Love Impacts Faith -A BOOK, REALLY?? (part 1)

  • Post published:December 13, 2020
  • Post category:Faith

If you are looking at this blog, you will see that I have written a book.
A book, really?? Yes, my friends, a book. I never intended to do it, but guess what? It happened anyway.

It started out as a way to encourage our congregation. Weekly, I sent out a prayer list with a little analogy using familiar things so that people could relate better to the scripture. Just a simple thing, right? Well, it did take some faith because each week, I had to have faith that a devotional message would come together.

During this time, people would encourage me and comment, “Diane, you should write a devotional.” Who me? Writing a book was not on my radar and for several years I ignored their comments. Then one day, I felt that I was to write that devotional after all.
Ok. So, what next? Prayer.

For we walk by faith, not by sight, 2 Corinthians 5:7.

There was nothing to see so I had to have the faith that if God wanted to publish this book that God would work it all out. It really didn’t take much faith at this point since I was neither here nor there in my dedication to getting anything published, even though I felt I should. Then a friend suggested a publisher who, low and behold, accepted my devotional for publication.

Whoa! Did that really just happen??

Now the work and the faith test began. I don’t know what I thought would happen next, but it wasn’t what I imagined. I figured, it was in God’s hands and I didn’t have to do much else. Ha! God tested my faith over and over again.

There is more to this story but let’s stop and think about faith. Humm, it is easy to have faith when you don’t have much invested in the outcome, isn’t it? But what if hanging in the balance are your finances or your heart’s desire? Then, having faith may be more of a struggle.

Faith is a choice that no matter what we see or what we hear, we chose to have faith.
When you boil it all down, faith comes down to one simple thing, love.

Hang in there with me a minute
and I will explain.


It is not that we love God but that we believe God loves us enough to do what is in our best interest.

The greater our confidence, our faith, in God’s love for us, the more we are comfortable leaving the outcome of our requests in His hands. I did not need to have much confidence in God’s love for me when I submitted a book to the publisher. However, in the process of publishing, my need for a greater faith, a greater comfort in God’s love for me increased. Remember, that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you.

Our belief in God’s love for us, impacts the faith that we have in God.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us
and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins 1 John 4:10


Do you believe that God loves you enough to do what is in your best interest?


Heavenly Father, as I write 1 John 4:10 and say it aloud, please open up my eyes, implant it in my heart and help me to see how very much You love me.



Fountain pen photo by AaronBurden on unsplash
Monkey photo by Stephen Tafra on unsplash



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