Faith & Worries – Yo-Yo or bucket?

  • Post published:November 30, 2021
  • Post category:Faith

Which would you rather be like: a Yo-Yo or a bucket? Now, don’t answer too quickly. First let’s look at some facts and see if you can answer these questions.

  1. Can you find a Yo-Yo or a bucket in a painting of King Louis XVII?
  2. Which one was created in 500 BC Greece?
  3. One of these can cost $19,000. Is it the Yo-Yo or the bucket?
  4. Which one is used in competitions?

A Yo-Yo’s purpose is to be a fun toy. Made of two joined disks and a string, the disks are propelled down, then bounce back up. Besides this simple motion, the player can perform complicated tricks as seen in serious world-wide competitions. But if you thought the bucket was used in competitions, you would be right too! It is used in a game called Bucketball!

The Yo-Yo has the royal link. If you guessed it was in King Louis XVII’s portrait, you would be correct! Did you also correctly guess that it first appeared in 500 BC Greece? 1

Now, let’s look at the bucket. Available in various sizes, it enables us to toss in and carry a variety of items.  While it’s purpose is generally practical, who can forget the fun times using it to make sand castles or haul mud pies?

Although a Yo-Yo used by Richard Nixon sold at auction for a whopping $ 16,029,3 the sterling silver bucket wins the prize selling for $19,000.4

Before you decide whether you prefer to be like a Yo-Yo or a bucket, let’s delve a little deeper.

Perhaps we should look at them in regards to faith.

How about the Yo-Yo?

If an issue worries us, when we give it to God, do we let go of it? If we still hold onto it, pretty soon the worry bounces right back to us, like a Yo-Yo. Don’t we all have times when our faith is like a Yo-Yo?

Then there is faith like the bucket.

Bucket faith is when we toss our worries into God’s bucket. The bucket God carries for us. When we face some worries, our faith is so strong that we easily toss them into God’s bucket.

But how about the more challenging worries where our faith is a little weaker? In those times we have to get on our tip toes, stretch our arms as high as they will go and tip our worries over into the bucket. God has not moved the bucket further away, it’s just that sometimes we have moved.

But whether we can easily toss in our worries or have to stretch to do it, when in faith we leave them, God will not only carry them but give us the strength to stand strong.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved, Psalm 55:22

What about when we miss the bucket?

We all occasionally miss the bucket. Thinking we have tossed all our worries in, we suddenly find nagging thoughts still hiding in the recesses of our minds. Don’t worry. Because God loves us, He is willing to take them no matter how many times we bounce them back and forth like the Yo-Yo.

How do I change from Yo-Yo to bucket faith?

By releasing one small thing at a time successfully, we can grow our bucket faith for more challenging worries.

So, got worries? Toss them in!
Family or relationship issues? Toss them in!
Job or financial woes? Toss them in!
Feeling fearful, lonely, or rejected? Toss them in!
Toss them all in!

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

God’s bucket can carry them all!



God loves us so much that nothing we throw in His bucket will stop Him from loving us. When we throw in our worries, He pours out His love.

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


God’s bucket is great, super-sized, ever expandable and bottomless. No matter how large your worries are, there is always room for them in God’s bucket.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; And His greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3


God’s bucket is made of powerful, super strong, unearthly materials. Nothing we face is too heavy for God’s bucket. His bucket is strong enough to withstand anything that comes our way.

Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You. Jeremiah 32:17

In God’s bucket of love, we can throw anything.
He is willing and able to carry any load we have no matter how heavy or how large.

So, would you rather have faith like a Yo-Yo- or a bucket?

Let’s all aim for the bucket faith and leave the Yo-Yo’s for someone else.


Do you have any Yo-Yo worries? Can you choose one small thing today that in bucket faith you can release to God?


Heavenly Father, as I write 1 Peter 5:7 and say it out loud, help me to cut the string on my Yo-Yo and release my worries into Your loving hands. Help me to grow bucket faith. Help me to remember that You have the love, power and strength to carry whatever I face. In Jesus name, amen.


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1 Yo-Yo facts,
3 Expensive
Photo sand, congerdesign, pixabay
Photo hearts, johnny brown, unsplash
Photo Yo-Yo, Andrea Lese

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